Current Travel Information Helmcken Falls Closure

Maps & Directions

Finding Your Way

Wells Gray area map
Highways to Wells Gray Park
Wells Gray Park overview map
Wells Gray Park Overview
District of Clearwater map
District of Clearwater Map

Driving Distances

Vancouver449 km279 miles
Edmonton671 km417 miles
Calgary (via Revelstoke)681 km423 miles
Calgary (via Jasper)681 km423 miles
Kamloops129 km80 miles
Blue River89 km55 miles
Kelowna (via Hwy 97C)295 km183 miles
Banff602 km374 miles
Seattle562 km349 miles
Sun Peaks129 km80 miles

Google Map

More Maps for your Journey

With an area that spans 1.3 million acres and includes hundreds of kilometers of trails, getting here and knowing where to go is all part of the journey. There are several resources below to help you gain the specific knowledge to get you where you want to go.

lake reflection
Be comfortable in the wilderness